i saw avatar last night and man it was kinda good.
a bit on the silly side, script-wise. definitely a predictable story, but i kinda knew that going into it.
it looks great... yet i couldn't help but think james cameron got the idea for avatar by looking at a lisa frank trapper keeper. i mean it's a cool-looking movie... but I think if i was to have come up with a brand new world of creatures and characters, i would've probably thought of something that didn't deal w/ glow-in-the-dark forests. that's just me, though.
the action was intense, and there were definitely signs of a james cameron aesthetic (i.e. scientists, marines, guns, explosions), so that was cool.
hopefully with the money i paid to watch Avatar, James cameron will somehow find the balls to make a True Lies part 2, because let's face it: True Lies is kinda the best movie of the 90s, next to Con Air, obviously.
well here's what I got planned for tonight!
beer, pita chips w/ hummus and tabouli salad, beer, pork leg, beer, tres leches, beer, and then maybe a cookie or two.
also, I just got the Broadcast and The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age EP
it's pretty awesome. just a lot of mixing, noise, field recordings, and broadcast songs. really expanding the psychedelic/stereolab-ish sound to a more obscure and avant level. very cool record and i recommend it if you're either a minor fan of broadcast. or even if you're a fan of more than one artist on the Warp label.
merry christmas!
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