and the verdict?
now. i'm kind of assuming that black dice and animal collective were the ones that were loud and not that the house monitors were too loud... because i've seen noise acts at culture room and they were never this loud.
first off, let's just state that tix were sold out a bit too early and that culture room might possibly not have been the best venue to house such a grandiose group whose shows are known for their light show. revolution in downtown ft lauderdale or even the underrated club cinema would have been better choices. everyone would've been satisfied and would have been able to see the show.
also, culture room's size could have been why the show was so goddamn loud.
so i expected a ton of new animal collective fans to come out of the woodwork to come and listen to the dancier, more melodic tracks from animal collective... so it was to my satisfaction to see their faces when black dice started their set with the loudest fucking noise that would put Loveless fans to an ear explosion. i loved it. they were great and i kind of knew what i was getting into when watching black dice since ive listened to a couple of their records.
they were great and they were loud but they definitely overstayed their welcome. their set was a bit too long and i really couldn't take much more of it by the 40th minute out of an hour.
footnote: people started moshing (?) really surprised and really annoyed.
and also a note to the skinny black guy with dreads who started the moshing and commenced a confrontation with my friend and i during animal collective's set: eat a dick.

black dice finished.
animal collective set up. it took about 10 guys including the group to set up their equipment.
5 years ago these guys were playing acoustic guitars and a bass drum. now they're up on some daft punk shit.
well they started and what can i say. they were fucking great. i didnt expect any less.
also: they were clubby. there was a lot of bass. so that made everybody wanna dance. and im the kind of guy that likes to just stand in the crowd, arms crossed, and just watch/listen to the show. but man, i was getting pushed by people, being jumped on and shit. it was boredline annoying and it almost fucked my experience.
the set was pretty much mostly new material from the new album with some really obscure Campire Songs peppered in as segues.

then they played Brothersport... i never had so many goosebumps with a song live. it got soo dancy at the end of the song i couldn't really help but jump around and dance. it was pretty glorious.
they came out for an encore and it was good.
all in all. a pretty amazing show.
p.s. i wish panda bear had played at least one solo track. from what i saw from past set lists he usually plays comfy in nautica, but this time around zilch.
p.s.s. pande bear = man crush
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