Sunday, June 21, 2009

manifest destiny, thursday the 18th

a friend requested a text of my playlist from Thursday's show.

hey: listen to my show every thursday from 4-7pm. Experimental and Noise Rock!

boredoms - acid police
oneida - the adversary
japandroids - wet hair
ponytail - die allman bruder
death set - had a bird
parts & labor - satellites
deerhunter - rainwater cassette exchange
abe vigoda - wild heart
grouper - disengaged
grouper - heavy water/i'd rather be sleeping
the microphones - i want wind to blow
pocahaunted - divine flesh
fuck buttons - colours move
boredoms - god from anal
gang gang dance - glory in itself/ egyptian
sonic youth - massage the history
dirty projectors - temecula sunrise
magik markers - state numbers
cymbals eat guitars - like blood does
pink mountaintops - vampire
spacemen 3 - mary anne
bibio - haikuesque (when she laughs)
st. vincent - the strangers
double dagger - no allies
lightning bolt - into the valley
boris - track 01 off of Pink
the ruby suns - morning sun

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