i've listened to some of his previous efforts here and there because i used to host an ambient/electronic show on Radiate FM and I played him a couple of times.. i would like to say it's sort of an electro-acoustic version of The Avalanches. maybe i'll even go as far as saying he's similar to Boards of Canada.
his new one is pretty great!
lots of samples and loops (hence the Avalanches comparison) and lots of ambient intertwined between the beats.
I have to say that I'm pretty in love with this record and that it's a completely hidden gem. it might become a sleeper and fall under the radar but i think it deserves some praise.
the only thing that might stop it from getting the praise it deserves is that the record suffers from being a bit "all over the place". you'll get a couple of funk sampled-oriented tracks and then some really light folky Zombies-like summer songs... and then in between those will be a really rad electronic ambient track. the record seems to be too various. but i still find it to be enjoyable-- and what's great is that its flaws work with the whole of the record.
one track in particular stands out. it's called Sugarette. it's track 06 and it starts with this ambient soundscape which is then interrupted by a chopped beat and synth samples. and there's this electro flash of beeping buttons at the end that gives the song some complexity and fun. I really like it.
i can't find a proper link to an mp3 of it.
but i just saw that Pitchfork Media hosted the song on its featured Forkcast section not too long ago.
here it is.
Bibio - Sugarette
you gotta click on the Lala player to hear it.
hope it calms
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