Thursday, December 10, 2009

jersey shore

Let me tell you a little something about this show on mTV called Jersey Shore.
It is singlehandedly saving television from the ranks of schlocky stuff like Mad Men and 24.
Take a look at what I'm talking about:

MAN. If you're not watching this show, then you're probably one of those people that yknow have some kinda moral code, or whatever those things are. BOGUS (what?)

As you saw from the video up top, Jersey Shore is an MTV reality series (I wanna emphasize 'reality' because I really think this is authentic) about people living their lives the way they want to live it. Eight kids who live/fuck in a really shitty timeshare in Seaside Heights. They're just bro-culture personified... or guido, as they call it. The show could be seen as offensive because it displays really vivid stereotypes... but here's the thing: these people on the show KNOW that they're the stereotype. They're fuckin proud of it.

And looking at how ridiculous they are... in a sense they're kinda normal. They obviously live life by different standards: inflicting an incredible amount of damage onto their skin via tanning bed proxies, spending $10,000 a year on hair gel, taking their shirts off, plastic surgery, lip gloss (for the guys), fucking everything. I guess if you judge normality by that, then yes-- they're kinda normal.

Look they do the same things you and I do. We like to hang out with friends, flirt w/ the opposite sex, go out and drink, eat somewhere after, fuck, and shit like that.
I don't know.
I've seen the show... and not all of the characters and unlikeable. That's who they are and that's how they live. Some of them can even show hints of actual intelligence... and emotion, too.
Like one of the characters, "The Situation" (fucking guy -_-), gets really upset because one of his roommates hooked up with Sammi, the girl he was crushing on. He's insecure, man. He needs his abs to get girls. I don't know. I feel bad for the guy, sorta. Then he date rapes all of em'. And then I realize-- FUCK HIM.

good show, though.

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