Wednesday, December 2, 2009

real reality-type stuff #1

there are these little "idiosyncratic" (*wink* *sighs*) situations in life that happen to just about everyone. some would call them seinfeldian or "larry david moments", but to me, they're just real reality-type stuff. so, i'm making a series of blogs posts, (not necessarily back-to-back) showcasing little moments that go on in life that, I feel, everyone can relate to. beginning with this one:

so there's this guy in my class who is sorta snobby, pretentious, overly-witty, and full-of-himself, and i've never really taken a liking to him. but i've been in the class with the guy for a whole semester already and along the way we've both agreed on some things, and shared a couple of laughs. he's snobby, but at the same time i can tolerate it, to an extent. whatever. i found his facebook one night and i don't remember if i added him. but i convinced myself i did? i thought i did, but maybe i didn't. point is, him and i are not friends on facebook. i go to his page today and it said (ADD FRIEND). so here's what could've happened:

a) i could've requested to be his friend and he declined, which is lame.
b)i never requested anything

point is, i don't want to confront him about it. if he declined and i go up to him asking about the whole situation, that'll be awkward. he'll be like, oh i didn't wanna be your friend. WEIRD and DOUCHEY, bro.
if i never requested him and i still confront him about not adding me i'll just look like a huge pussy trying to seek out a friendship on a dumb website.
and if he declined my request, but i'm not certain if i requested to be his friend and i try adding him, he'll just think: "this fucker is adding me again? fuck him: NO. AGAIN."

weird situation.
so basically i just can't be friends with this kid on facebook. i've arrived at some kinda paradox where the internet meets reality and there's some kinda strange hodgepodge of awkward.
sorry, bro-- looks like we can't be bros after all because of i forgot something.

what do you suggest?

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